Dear All:
I have a request.
But first little bit of my background: I am a trained Carnatic vocalist and try to sing my own composition.I have been composing and singing Kannada, Sanskrit, Marathi, and my own poems using Ableton Live 10. Please check out one of my songs at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iX94ZapyZM
However, I think there are a few major issues that I need to resolve (apart from the ones that you may find):
1) How to thicken and widen vocals?
2) How to bring the vocals to the forefront of the mix without compressing the vocals too much?
3) I am not still good at composing background music when vocals are playing. Is there a systematic way to address this issue?
Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing your suggestions.
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Welcome to the rabbit hole of vocal production and composition involving vocals as a lead melody.
- There are several ways to widen vocals. First and foremost , The word \’width\’ refers to a the space you give a sound object in a stereo feild spanning from left to center to right. Understanding what is stereo image and application of tools such as chorus, delay, and manual track delays and parallel processing across stereo feild etc enhances the width.
- Vocals can be bought to the front of the mix easily by use of parallel compression techniques. Parallel processing allows compression to tighten the dynamics of your vocals in favour for sounding fuller, while allowing more while retaining the bulk of the signal unaffected by the compression. A good understanding of what a compressor is doing to your signal, goes a long way in helping your judgement.
Also look up on doubling vocals, (recording twice, not duplicating the same recording twice) can increase the presence / thickness of your vocal performance immensely. - This is again a rabbit hole that can baffle many producers. Having a good understanding of song structuring in general , the need to establish changes in energy and intensity across your composition and thinking of vocals as a instrument in the overall blend is important. Here too , for the vocals to be present strongly in the stereo feild, you should make sure the other elements do not get in the way.
Request you to check out our module 2 in this regard. https://djpmedia.in/module-2-building-song-structure/
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